
Chinese opera 'Don Quixote' to hit Madrid

( Xinhua ) Updated: 2015-09-16 14:03:27

Chinese opera 'Don Quixote' to hit Madrid

Performers of Jiangxi Ganju Opera Theater rehearse their parts in the opera. [Photo/Xinhua] 

Spanish audiences are used to theater productions of their beloved "Don Quixote", but they may never have seen one like this -- a Chinese opera version is set to hit Madrid in November.

The Jiangxi Ganju Opera Theater, based in east China's Jiangxi Province, will stage the Miguel de Cervantes classic in Chinese and with performers wearing traditional face paint in the Spanish capital as part of an international cultural and arts exchange, it announced on Wednesday.

The troop has prepared Spanish subtitles for the audience.

Zhang Ming, deputy head of the theater, said it was the first time that a foreign work had been adapted into local opera style Ganju.

With a history of more than 600 years, Ganju is a high-pitched opera style in southern Chinese dialect.

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