China / Education

Schools must run more art lessons: State Council

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-09-29 09:43

BEIJING - The government has ordered schools to put more resources and class time into teaching art, music and drama.

Students should receive a comprehensive education in which art lessons are elevated to the same level as fundamentals like Chinese, math and English, according to a circular issued by the State Council on Monday.

In many cases in China, art has been neglected compared to major courses in which students are more commonly tested in university entrance exams.

All schools at compulsory education levels must run music and painting lessons, and local governments should allocate resources to close an urban-rural gap in art education, the circular said.

Schools with sufficient art teachers and facilities are encouraged to open elective courses such as dancing, drama and film production.

The State Council promised the government will invest more in art education including by nurturing more qualified teachers and providing more facilities and equipment.

The circular also called for art lessons to focus on traditional Chinese genres and styles such as Chinese opera, calligraphy and seal engraving.

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