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China Daily Website

Mainland denies property speculation in Taiwan

Updated: 2012-09-12 21:46
( Xinhua)

BEIJING - An official on Wednesday quashed recent rumors of Chinese mainland companies speculating on real estate in Taiwan, and expressed the hope for normal and favorable environment for mainland's investment on the island.

Statistics from relevant mainland authorities show that mainland enterprises had invested $324 million in 129 projects in Taiwan by the end of August, 70 of which involve the island's service sector, 47 manufacturing and 12 agriculture.

"This shows that there is no mainland investment involved in speculation in Taiwan's real estate at all," said Fan Liqing, spokeswoman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.

Fan said, mainland enterprises' investing in Taiwan's businesses is normal corporate act. "We support what is conducive to industry cooperation across the Taiwan Strait and to improving the competitiveness of enterprises of both sides," Fan said. "I believe this will also be welcomed by Taiwan compatriots."

"There is always someone in Taiwan trumping up stories to block cross-Straits economic cooperation, which certainly won't earn public support," she said.

"We hope mainland investment will enjoy normal and favorable environment and conditions in Taiwan," Fan said.

The spokeswoman also responded to a question on Taiwan's future participation in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) on Wednesday.

Fan said Taiwan's participation in ICAO activities should proceed via cross-Straits negotiations and with a view of the organization's provisions.

She said the mainland's stance on dealing with Taiwan's international positioning is "consistent",and such issues would always be properly settled through practical consultations, so long as the cross-Straits relations maintain development momentum and cross-Straits political mutual trust increases.
