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China Daily Website

China raises compensation for freedom infringement

Updated: 2012-05-30 11:18

China's top court has increased the compensation standard for infringement of citizens' personal freedom, Xinhua reported Wednesday.

The Supreme People's Court issued a notice on Tuesday raising the standard from last year's 142.33 yuan ($22) per day to 162.65 yuan ($25). The amendment was made to keep in line with the increase of the average yearly per capita income of urban non-private sector employees in 2011, according to the latest statistics released by National Bureau of Statistics on May 29.

According to the bureau, the average annual salary of urban employees in China's non-private sectors rose to 42,452 yuan in 2011, an increase of 5,305 yuan from 2010. It amounts to 162.65 yuan a day, an increase of 20.32 yuan.
