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Beautiful cherry blossoms prompt ugly behavior

( Updated: 2015-03-26 11:26

In today's trending, ugly tourist shakes down cherry blossom tree, Chinese doctor saves American's life, library thief caught, and iCloud photos give cabbie away.

Beautiful cherry blossoms prompt ugly behavior

A man climbs up to a tree to create "a cherry blossom rain” at Wuhan University, Central China's Hubei province. [Photo/Sina Weibo]

Ugly tourists in Spring

With spring comes spring tourists, and with spring tourists come ugly tourist behavior.

Last weekend, over 100,000 visitors descended upon Wuhan University for the annual cherry blossom festival. Cherry blossom lovers crowded the 200-meter-long road, turning the usually quiet campus into a crowded park.

A man was caught on camera climbing onto a tree to make petals fall as "cherry blossom rain” for photos.

Online, criticism has been loud and unequivocal. Top posts simply fumed, "Such poor quality (manners)!" and "What a loss of face."

Netizens expressed dismay that instead of enjoying the beautiful blossoms, people were destroying them for the sake of photos on China's microblogging platform Sina Weibo.

Next up: a Chinese doctor's heroic efforts while on holiday in the US win plaudits.

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