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Trending: Abortion lesson horrifies kids

( Updated: 2014-11-05 11:28

Trending: Abortion lesson horrifies kids

'Unbreakable' guardrails broken

A black limousine lost control and broke through three "golden" guardrails on Chang'an Avenue, which passes Tian'anmen Square in the heart of Beijing on Tuesday, Beijing Youth Daily reported. The car's hood was badly damaged but no casualties were reported.

The news went viral on Sina Weibo, China's version of Twitter, and the quality and strength of the guardrails was questioned by Internet users, with many asking "how come they broke as they are supposed to be elastic?"

The railings, coated with weather resistant fluorocarbon paint, were installed in April and earlier reports said they were anti-corrosive and if run into by vehicles would bounce back into shape.


Chang'an Avenue becomes golden heart of Beijing

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