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中国绿卡 (zhōngguó lǜkǎ): Chinese green card

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-02-29 07:25

According to a recent document issued by the central authorities, China will improve its permanent residence permit application procedure for foreigners. In other words, it will be much easier for foreigners to get a Chinese green card in the future.

The new policy is of great significance for China, as it will make it easier to attract more oversea investment and talent.

According to the document, the qualification criteria for a green card will be more flexible and pragmatic than before. The country will evaluate those applying for permanent residency based on their salaries, taxes and social credit in China.

Permanent residency applications from foreign professionals under key government talent programs will be given priority.

For high-level professionals and foreigners who have made outstanding contributions to the country, application requirements will be simplified and the waiting time for approval shortened. Excellent overseas students will also be subject to fewer requirements if they want to work in China.

The document also clarified that foreigners with permanent residency in China will enjoy equal treatment with Chinese citizens in terms of purchasing property, children's education, obtaining a driving license and other social rights.

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