Opinion / Opinion Line

Nude photos in museum breach public morals

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-06-03 07:47

A recent photo shoot of a nude female model inside the Palace Museum in Beijing was officially denounced for breaching moral boundaries by the museum, as well as showing disrespect to the nation's cultural heritage. Comments:

There should be little doubt about the boundaries between erotic pictures and real art, yet they are being blurred by some self-proclaimed "pioneering" artists who seek controversy. One thing is clear, unapproved public nudity at heritage sites should not be taken lightly, because it deals a blow to both the cultural environment and the image of the sites.

Lanzhou Morning Post, June 2

Shooting nude photos in public places, such as tourist attractions, is not allowed under Chinese law and is morally unacceptable to most people. During the shooting, the model even sat astride one of the stone dragon heads in an improper manner. The whole crew should be held accountable for their indecency.

Beijing Youth Daily, June 2

One can scarcely see any beauty in the photos of the naked woman, as the superficial eroticism shows contempt for the nation's history, and the model could have damaged the stone dragon head she sat on... The museum has every right to condemn the nude photo shoot.

Beijing Times, June 2

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