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Justin Timberlake opens up about his drug use

Updated: 2006-07-17 09:16

Justin Timberlake opens up about his drug use

Justin Timberlake has revealed that the secret behind his squeaky clean image is that he does everything behind closed doors.

Pop Star Justin Timberlake, who is currently in the UK to promote his second album,  has opened up about his drug use in the Observer Music Monthly magazine.

The singer admitted that he has taken drugs in private and is careful not to be caught on camera.

"I've never been arrested - though that's not to say that I won't. I've done way too many drugs already. I've already inhaled and I've already - who knows, " the magazine quoted Justin, as saying.

"Some drugs haven't been legalised because it will ruin the other drugs, like nicotine and tobacco," he insisted. "Nicotine is more addictive than heroin. I'll leave the preaching to the preachers - my grandfather is a preacher - but I believe that you don't do anything to excess.

"They always say too much of a good thing could be a bad thing. I try to live my life in a well-rounded manner. We all make mistakes."

Timberlake refused to admit which drugs he has taken - explaining that he does not wish to "fuel the fire".

He added, "I'm just like everyone else - I get completely plastered, I've done my fair share of drugs and been caught places with my pants down. It's just that I make sure there are no cameras around."

