
The 'ugliest monkey' raises waves of criticism and laughter

By He Keyao ( ) Updated: 2016-02-18 14:02:03

The 'ugliest monkey' raises waves of criticism and laughter

Visitors take a photo with the controversial giant lantern ahead of the festival. [Photo/IC]

Netizens have taken the title "ugliest monkey in history" from CCTV’s Year of the Monkey mascot, Kang Kang, and branded it on the main attraction at the Taipei Lantern Festival venue.

The "Fu Lu Monkey" ("Fu" means happiness and "Lu" means good fortune in English), is the mascot for the upcoming Lantern Festival in Taipei's Flower Garden Park. Since "Fu Lu" shares a similar pronunciation to the word "gourd" in Chinese ("Hu Lu"), the lantern is designed in the shape of a gourd. At 14.2 meters in height, the giant lantern will be the first attempt for local artists to undertake projection mapping on an irregular curved surface.

However, footage of the simulated light effect on the lantern prompted huge waves of criticism, with thousands of netizens calling it the "ugliest monkey" on earth.

"It's really super-ugly," wrote Sina Weibo user @Max Yan Liang. "Are you sure it is not a 'Teletubby'?" said another user named @Gou Gouwanshenmeweibo. "Is it a competition for ugliness after all? "asked Weibo user @0 Da Liaomao oZZ.

Many pointed out that the Taipei lamp saved Kang Kang embarrassment as the ugliest monkey. CCTV’s mascot was criticized for its quirky look and color design.

"Compared with that Fu Lu Monkey, I finally realized that Kang Kang is much better," said @Chang Ci Yi Wang. "Hey, Kang Kang, you've finally got a brother!" wrote @Zhenchengde Ham.

"The appearance of Fu Lu Monkey largely relieves the pressure on another monkey - Kang Kang," said the 21st Century Newspaper.

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