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Green brittle gill

By Yang Fan ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Green brittle gill

Green brittle gill from Yunnan [Photo/kunming.cn]

Russula virescens is more commonly known as the quilted green Russula, or the green brittle gill. It has a distinctive pale green cap which is about 15 cm in diameter and is covered in dark green polygon-shaped patches.

The mushroom requires a clean environment to grow in and is distributed in the belt of virgin forests that spans the western part of Yunnan province. The fungus springs out among grassy terrain from July to September.

Considered to be one of the best edible mushrooms, the green brittle gill is especially popular in China. It is rich in protein, amino acids and vegetable fiber and is suitable for people with eye problems, melancholia and dementia. After cooking, the mushroom tastes fresh and delicate.

Edited by Jacob Hooson


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