China / On Weibo

An improved anti-corruption legal system required

[2014-02-20 17:12]

China's anti-corruption laws need to be improved, and judicial officials must obey the rule of law in their work. Officials should publish their income and properties. Penalties for offenders should be raised.

Anti-graft agency independent of government is called for

[2014-02-20 15:07]

Independent Commission Against Corruption in Hong Kong set up a good example. ICAC function independently and is directly accountable to the Chief Executive of Hong Kong.

Strengthening judicial integrity against corruption

[2014-02-20 13:05]

Judicial officials, if corrupted, would impose a bigger danger than officials from other divisions, to society. Judicial departments are the last line of defense against corruption, the last one to unravel crimes.

Retirement no longer a safe haven for corrupt officials

[2014-02-20 13:04]

The year 2013 saw retired senior officials being sacked. Retirement can no longer provide a safe haven ---- those who were corrupt will be held responsible for life.

Fighting officials' long-entrenched social networks

[2014-02-20 13:04]

Fighting corruption is very much about fighting the officials' long-entrenched social networks. And those who were isolated from the network might be the most bold and courageous supporters of the corruption campaign.

CPPCC session gives anti-graft campaign a boost

[2014-02-20 13:04]

Ten days after the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in December, three provincial level officials were sacked. This shows the strong determination of central government in pushing forward the anti-graft campaign.

More channels for citizens to expose corruption needed

[2014-02-20 13:04]

Cracking individual corruption cases, and solely relying on discipline inspection group from central government to detect corruption, fail to touch the roots of corruption.

Systematic measures are required in fighting corruption

[2014-02-20 13:04]

Corruption always rises with development. To eliminate corruption, a package of scientific and systematic measures is required, and we need to raise ordinary people’s income, universalize education---overall social changes.

Caution urged with anti-graft push

[2014-02-20 13:03]

We need to be aware that someone might use the anti-graft wave to clear away political enemies, or make local disciplinary departments too powerful.

Prostitution crackdown exposes corruption

[2014-02-20 13:02]

China's Ministry of Public Security said in a circular on Feb 17 that those who protected sex trade will be penalized regardless of their ranks. The nationwide prostitution crackdown will certainly play its role in minimizing corruption.

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