Shilinxia offers a scenic escape from busy Beijing

By Xu Lin ( China Daily ) Updated: 2014-12-06 09:56:05

Shilinxia offers a scenic escape from busy Beijing

Shilinxia boasts a scenery of rocks, gorges, water, mountains and forests. Photo provided to China Daily

For those who want a quick getaway from the hustle-and-bustle of Beijing, Shilinxia Scenic Area in Pinggu district is certainly a good choice. It is picturesque, with rocks, gorges, mountains and forests.


Shilinxia, which literally means the Gorge of Stone Forest, is named after its straight and steep mountains that resemble a stone forest. It's about 100 kilometers from downtown Beijing. Immerse yourself in the natural landscape and take in the fresh air. You will enjoy peace and tranquility that you can hardly find in a metropolis.


At the foot of the Shilin mountain is the Huangsongyu Reservoir, where you can go fishing and take a walk on the banks. You can try some farm dishes at the local restaurants such as roasted lamb leg, roasted fish, fresh vegetables and homemade tofu.


You can play some water sports such as driftage and bumper boats on the Shilin River. You can have fun crossing several special bridges on the river, maintaining your balance on their wonky boards. Watch out, or you may fall into the water.

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