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China Daily Website


PDFX12 Projects

Updated: 2010-10-13 14:13
By Sun Peng (chinadaily.com.cn)

PDFX12 is an online, monthly photography photofolio that presents and features a series of photos by various photojournalists living and working in various communities around the world. Photojournalists presented here are those, with their own resources and energy, who have chosen to dedicate their life's work to documenting certain human issues in order to bring about greater attention to harsh human conditions that many people would brush aside. It is thus very important that the voices of these photojournalists, who are living and working in communities that they are documenting, are heard through this type of online venue, which everyone can access.

Yumi is the person-in-charge of PDFX12 program. She will use more practical examples in photography to tell important events around the world and the stories behind them. And she will also share with us the running and working mode of PDFX12 as an on-line magazine.

pdfX12 is an online, monthly photography photofolio that presents and features a series of photos by various photojournalists living and working in various communities around the world. Photojournalists presented here are those, with their own resources and energy, who have chosen to dedicate their life's work to documenting certain human issues in order to bring about greater attention to harsh human conditions that many people would brush aside. It is thus very important that the voices of these photojournalists, who are living and working in communities that they are documenting, are heard through this type of online venue, which everyone can access.

Yumi is the person-in-charge of PDFX12 program. She will use more practical examples in photography to tell important events around the world and the stories behind them. And she will also share with us the running and working mode of PDFX12 as an on-line magazine.

Oct 25 -- 19:30am-21:00am
The meeting room on the 8th floor in Wanbao Mansion, Wanbao Road 267# , Changsha, Hunan, China

Yumi Goto

PDFX12 Projects

Yumi Goto is an experienced freelance art and photo documentary curator, editor, researcher and consultant who focuses on the development of cultural exchanges that transcend borders. She collaborates with local and international artists who live and work inareas affected by conflict, natural disasters, current social problems,human rights abuses and women's issues. She often works with international and local NGOs, humanitarian organizations and human rights advocates.

Source: IOPF website
