Opinion / Hot Words

卸妆照 (xiezhuangzhao): Photo without makeup

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-04-17 08:13

When Liao Shaohua, the former Party chief of Zunyi city, Guizhou province in Southwest China, appeared in court recently on charges of corruption and abusing power, the public was surprised by the huge change in his appearance. Instead of his previously well-dressed and healthy image, he looked haggard and dispirited. The photo of his appearance in court looked like a photo of him without makeup.

It is not uncommon to see corrupt officials looking haggard when on trial, no matter how swaggering and arrogant they once were. Maybe they really regret what they have done, but, to a certain extent, it is also an attempt to win sympathy in order to get their punishments reduced.

Such photos without makeup should act as a warning to all Party members and government officials that power is like a wonderful makeup artist and can easily transform officials. On one hand, we should strengthen corruption prevention and supervision mechanisms. On the other hand, officials at all levels should draw a lesson from the photos of these corrupt officials. Any official that violates the Party's rules and the nation's law will end up in disgrace like these corrupt officials.

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