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China Daily Website

Cherish friendship between China and Japan

Updated: 2012-07-13 13:32
( chinadaily.com.cn)

This year is the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. But the Diaoyu Islands issue makes this year different, says an article in Beijing Youth Daily. Excerpts: 

The dispute over the Diaoyu Islands created headaches for both countries 40 years ago as well. That's why both sides agreed to solve the problem prudently in 1972, when diplomatic relations between China and Japan were normalized.

Deng Xiaoping advocated the suggestion to "suspend dispute, develop jointly" when both countries inked the friendship treaty in 1978. China has followed this suggestion ever since for the long-term development of bilateral relations. 

Forty years ago, the elder generation of statesmen from both countries overcame great difficulties and made the strategic decision, which has proved to be significant for the normalization of bilateral diplomatic relations. Their decision is based on the common interests of both peoples.

Today, leaders of both countries should inherit the political wisdom and draw lessons from their predecessors to act smartly and responsibly.

The friendship today between China and Japan is extremely valuable. Both sides should pay special attention to care for it. Sensitive issues, such as the Diaoyu Islands dispute, are crucial tests for both sides.

If the hard-won bilateral friendship is harmed by any individual politician's personal benefits, the loss for both nations will definitely outweigh their personal gains and waste the previous efforts of both peoples.
