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China Daily Website

Through Barda's lens

Updated: 2012-03-23 14:56
( China Daily)

British shutterbug Clive Barda will zoom in on some of the world's most famous artists in his exhibition in Guangzhou.

Barda has picked 100 photos from his collection of 750,000 and will meet visitors in person at the exhibition's opening ceremony at 3 pm on March 31. He will give a lecture on photography techniques and present a one-hour documentary.

The big names Barda has worked with include tenor Lucian Pavarotti, violinist Yehudi Menuhin and pianist Lang Lang. He also photographed the London and New York debuts of The Phantom of The Opera.

3 pm, until July 1. Experimental Theater of Guangzhou Opera House, Exit B1 of Zhujiang New Town subway station, the interchange of subway lines 3 and line 5. 020-3839-2888.

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