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BRICS cooperation expected to be global growth driver: Dell VP

[2017-09-09 10:41]

Cooperation among BRICS countries - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - will become an engine of global economic development, a senior executive of Dell has said.

China's PPI rises 6.3%, CPI up 1.8% in August

[2017-09-09 10:22]

China's producer price index and consumer price index rose 6.3 percent and 1.8 percent respectively year-on-year in August.

MoUs, agreements signed between China, Australia

[2017-09-09 10:09]

The Australian Business Chamber signed an agreement with the Hangzhou Wine Association on Friday on trade and investment.

Yuan rally, carryover effect drive China's trade surplus down

[2017-09-09 10:00]

The unexpected slowdown in China's export growth in August was caused by a strong yuan and the carryover effect, economists said.

Bank of China's 75 years in Australia highlights story of 'resilience, friendship'

[2017-09-09 09:35]

The Bank of China (BOC) celebrated the 75th anniversary of its Sydney branch on Friday at an illustrious event attended by numerous Chinese and Australian dignitaries.

China approves seven IPO applications

[2017-09-09 09:33]

China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has approved IPO applications from seven companies.

China spends big to ensure clean winter heating

[2017-09-09 09:30]

Chinese central and local governments are committed to huge spending in the coming three years to ensure clean winter heating in 12 cities in northern China.

Tech system will quicken logistics pace

[2017-09-09 09:22]

DHL Supply Chain and Huawei Technologies jointly launched a Narrowband Internet of Things, or NB-IoT, application for improving logistics at manufacturing sites on Wednesday.

Airbnb increases presence in China

[2017-09-09 09:16]

Airbnb Inc, a US-based home-sharing service provider, will continue to grow its presence in China.

ICO ban seen helping improve regulation

[2017-09-09 09:05]

China's recent ban on initial coin offerings is not expected to deter the commercial usage of blockchain technology, analysts said.

New growth drivers expanding fast

[2017-09-09 09:04]

NBS index measures role of digital economy, innovation among others.

War films feature some contrasting self-images

[2017-09-09 07:27]

War films dominated the summer film releases, and you could not find two more contrasting examples of the genre than Wolf Warrior II and Dunkirk. In one sense, the only thing that links them is the loose heading of "war" and the theme of evacuation, but both have strong political messages.

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