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40 years of Sino-Malaysian diplomatic relations

Updated: 2013-12-17 16:12
( Xinhua)

Elevate ties

The already close relations were boosted by the state visit of Xi as China's new leader. During the visit, China and Malaysia moved to a new level of bilateral cooperation by lifting their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership, and inked a five- year program for economic and trade cooperation, announcing to expand annual bilateral trade to 160 billion U.S. dollars by 2017.

"The fact that President Xi Jinping has chosen to visit Malaysia less than a year after he assumed office is a testament to the excellent existing bilateral relations and reflects China's deep commitment to further strengthen the close ties with Malaysia during his presidency," Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman told Xinhua ahead of Xi's visit.

As Xi pointed out during the visit, "China highly values its relationship with Malaysia, which is taking the lead in China's relations with ASEAN members."

For his part, Prime Minister Najib said that his country hopes to enhance the comprehensive strategic partnership with China.

"China is a trustworthy friend of Malaysia," he said. "Our bilateral relations enjoy vast prospects," said Najib. REGIONAL PARTNERS

Meanwhile, China and Malaysia have worked closely on international and regional issues.

"Malaysia has all along considered China as a true friend and partner in the pursuit of peace and prosperity in the region," said Malaysia's Foreign Minister Anifah.

On regional cooperation, Najib said that as a founding member of ASEAN, Malaysia stands ready to contribute to stronger China- ASEAN ties.

"Not only is China a dialogue partner with ASEAN, but it's also an integral part of the East Asia summit," he said during an October interview with Xinhua.

"Because of that, the relationship between China and ASEAN is very important and continues to grow particularly in terms of trade and China's involvement in major infrastructure projects in the whole region."

Analyst said relations and cooperation between Malaysian and China could serve as a shining example in the region.

"While both countries still have territorial disputes in the South China Sea, the undivided focus of their relationship is economic cooperation," said Oh Ei Sun, a political analyst and former political secretary to Najib.

When the two countries celebrate the 40th anniversary of bilateral ties in 2014, there is great potential in cooperation to be tapped into, including security, finance, trade, investment, military, technology, etc.

"I am pleased as a leader of government and at personal side that what was started in 1974 by my late father has today blossomed into a very important relationship between the two countries," said Najib.

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