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China Daily Website

HK ranked top Chinese city in quality of living

Updated: 2010-06-01 16:56
By Jia Xu (

Hong Kong was the highest ranking Chinese city in terms of quality of living, coming in at 71st, according to the Mercer 2010 Quality of Living Survey, the Wuhan Evening News reported Tuesday.

Two other Chinese cities Shanghai and Beijing placed 98th and 114th respectively, according to the survey.

Vienna ranked as the world's most liveable city, while Baghdad remained at the bottom of the table, ranking 221st as the worst city to live in.

Despite the world economic gloom, European cities still placed well in the list. Europe has 16 cities among the world's top 25. Zurich and Geneva were in second and third position, respectively, while Munich and Frankfurt made it into the top 10. Meanwhile, Vancouver and Auckland both were fourth on the list, and Sydney followed at 10.

Singapore won the highest ranking among Asian cities at 28, followed by Tokyo at 40. Kobe and Yokohama both were at 41, and Osaka in 51st according to the Mercer survey.

The rankings consist of measures in ten categories, which include infrastructure construction, political and social environment, health care and welfare systems.
