Opinion / Opinion Line

Strict enforcement needed to ensure smog measures effective

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-12-09 08:52


Strict enforcement needed to ensure smog measures effective

Smog shrouds the China Central Television building in Beijing on Monday, when severe air quality prompted the capital to order polluting industries to suspend production. [Photo/Agencies]

AT 6 PM ON MONDAY, after the city had been buried in heavy smog for the day, Beijing issued its first red alert for air pollution, with the relevant measures in effect from Tuesday to Thursday. A Beijing Youth Daily editorial calls on the authorities to strictly enforce these measures:

It is a good and welcome move that the Beijing authorities issued the alert, because they are admitting that the threat is serious, potentially fatal for some, and it is urgent to take alleviating action.

During the red alert, both the authorities and the ordinary residents need to take special measures. For example, gasoline automobiles are only allowed on the roads on alternate days depending on whether their license plates have odd or even numbers, 30 percent of all government-owned cars are to be taken off the roads, and heavy trucks carrying construction waste, concrete, and sandstone are also forbidden to use the roads.

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