Opinion / Hot Words

非组织政治活动 (fēizǔzhī zhèngzhì huódòng): Political activities outside the Party

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-03-26 07:53

The Supreme People's Court released its annual report for 2014 recently, which said that the people's courts have strengthened awareness of Party discipline. It also warned all judiciary staff to be aware of the severe harm corrupt senior officials had done to the Party's unity by trampling on the rule of law and indulging in "political activities outside the Party".

This is the first time the phrase has appeared in an official statement. Compared with the common statement "activities outside the Party", "political activities outside the Party" have more adverse intentions and a more serious nature, since they ignore the Party's political discipline and rule, thus severely threatening the unity of the Party and potentially endangering the State's power. It's necessary and urgent to resolutely oppose and prevent Party members to engage in political activities outside the Party.

During this month's annual sessions of the National People's Congress, the top legislature, and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee, the top advisory body, many stressed the significance of abiding by the Party's rules. It reflects the determination to comprehensively and strictly govern the Party.

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