Opinion / Forum Trends

Will you choose a 'naked' marriage?

( Updated: 2014-08-12 08:16

Editor's note: Many young couples, especially post-80s in China, are opting for "naked" marriages ("裸婚") – tying the knot without buying houses and cars or even holding a ceremony. Do you think you can strip away all the materialism and just marry for love? Readers from around the world share their views. You're welcome to leave your comments.

kimiful (Hong Kong, China)

I could not accept a totally "nude" marriage, but partially "naked". I can forget the shining diamond ring and splendid ceremony but my bottom line is an apartment where we could live our lives in a stable environment. Marriage is not just a piece of paper, nor a fairy tale. It's reality. I totally agree that it cannot survive if there's no material base. Those sad stories of broken couples come as a warning to me that one should have both psychological and material aspects prepared before getting married.

Will you choose a 'naked' marriage?

100 pairs of newlyweds from home and abroad attend the ceremony during a group wedding along the West Lake in Hangzhou, southeast China on Oct 6, 2013.[Photo/IC]

Will you choose a 'naked' marriage? Will you choose a 'naked' marriage?
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