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  • Cruise, Holmes gave baby girl named Suri

    2006-04-19 08:25

    The Tomkitten has arrived. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, the high-profile pair dubbed TomKat by the media, had a baby girl Tuesday, said Cruise spokesman Arnold Robinson.

  • Top Hollywood expecting couples

    2006-04-09 15:20

    Eight of Hollywood's hottest couples are expecting. It's been all over the news that Katie Holmes is overjoyed to be pregnant with Tom Cruise's baby.

  • Gwyneth Paltrow:it's a boy

    2006-04-11 10:38

    Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin have added to their family. Their second child, a son named Moses Martin, was born this weekend.

  • Brad and Jolie jet into Namibia as due date nears

    2006-04-10 11:03

    It appears Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie may be planning to give baby daughter Zahara an African brother or sister.

  • Cruise buys Holmes big dummy

    2006-04-07 14:39

    Tom Cruise has reportedly bought an adult-sized dummy for fiance Katie Holmes - to keep her silent during childbirth.As devout followers of Scientology the beautiful actress and her husband-to-be have to maintain a vigil of total silence in the delivery suite.

  • Pitt,Jolie in Namibia

    2006-04-09 15:14

    Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are staying at a secluded Namibian beach resort, surrounded by tight security, prompting speculation their baby will be born in Africa.

  • Easy money for Paltrow

    2006-04-10 10:23

    Oscar winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow allegedly collected a $3.6m kitty for a three-minute cameo in new film 'Infamous'.

  • Top Hollywood's expecting couples

    2006-04-09 16:43

  • Gwen Stefani pregnant

    2006-04-09 16:04