China / Society

Justifications for weapon use

By Wang Hongyi ( Updated: 2014-04-22 19:05

Police are permitted to fire a weapon if repeated warnings fail for the following criminal conduct that may seriously threaten public safety:

1. arson, explosions

2. hijacking of aircrafts, ships, trains or motor vehicles, or driving motor vehicles in a way that deliberately endangers public safety

3. theft of firearms, ammunition, explosives, toxic and other hazardous materials

4. use of firearms, explosives, toxic and other dangerous materials to commit a crime, or threatening to do so

5. destruction of key facilities, such as military facilities, communication, transportation or energy facilities

6. violent crimes such as murder and hostage taking

7. violent attacks on people or objects under State protection

8. gang robberies or armed robberies of public or private property

9. serious group fighting or riots that cannot be stopped in other ways

10. using violence to resist or obstruct police from performing their duties, or violently attacking police officers in a way that threatens their lives

11. riots, murder or group escapes by detainees or criminals

12. attempts to take away detainees or criminals by force

13. resisting police arrest or trying to flee after serious crimes such as murder and robbery

14. resisting police arrest and trying to flee with guns, explosives or highly toxic chemicals

15. other situations that laws and national regulations allow

Source: A regulation on the use of police apparatus and weapons issued by the Ministry of Public Security

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