China / Society

IVF interest booms for 2nd children in Hunan

By Liu Zhihua ( Updated: 2014-04-11 18:42

With Hunan province soon to allow couples to have a second child if either spouse is an only child, more and more couples are seeking consultation on having a second baby through in-vitro fertilization treatment from a hospital famous for its IVF technology.

The Reproductive and Genetic Hospital CITIC-Xiangya, a clinic department of Xiangya Medical School of Central South University, has about 210,000 frozen embryos left from previous IVF treatments.

Many eligible couples have previously used IVF successfully in the hospital, and seem to be eager to have a second baby through using the frozen embryos they stored with the hospital, Changsha Evening News reported.

Many used the Internet, phones and even traveled long distances to question how to unfreeze their embryos at the clinic, the newspaper reported.

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