China / Society

Social media users condemn attacks, pray for the dead

( Updated: 2014-03-02 15:06

From Sina Weibo

On Sina Weibo, netizens are spreading the word of stopping the circulation of bloody photos on the Internet.

"Stop publishing bloody photos, because that's just what the thugs want," a Weibo user with the screenname "Fuzhaolouzhu" wrote on her Weibo account.

Another Weibo user Shouyi Xiaoxing said "We should ignore the propaganda of [those with] extreme political views and [the] religious background of the terrorists. Don't exaggerate the brutal methods of the attackers or highlight the bitterness of the victims. Only in this way will those evil doers [be held] back and good poeple be kept from bad thoughts. Let's cherish life and think about good things."

From the People's Daily: "Let's pray for the dead. Also bear this in mind: First, don't highlight the brutal methods and bloody pictures in case other would-be terrorists may find inspiration in then. Second, please don't fabricate rumors or believe any outlandish things you may hear. Justice will prevail and evil will be punished."

Social media users condemn attacks, pray for the dead

The security management bureau under the Ministry of Public Security called the incident a "severe violent crime" at its official Sina Weibo account.

Now, the situation is gradually going stable, and the injured have been treated, while police are investigating the case, it said.

Internet users are also echoing comments made on Sino Weibo by CCTV anchor Zhang Quanling that the top priority in the aftermath of the Kunming attacks should be to "treat casualties and arrest the culprits."

"Only if did we put down the terrorists in a fast and precise way, can we stop the panic and avoid the undirected hatred, instead of being manipulated by the agitators," Zhang posted.

With the police working to track down the criminals, many Internet users are questioning the motives behind the bloody killing and calling for harsh punishment for the perpetrators.

Social media users condemn attacks, pray for the dead

A Weibo user "DanieL da hai" posted, "When I see lives were lost in a blink of an eye, words fail me to express my sorrow. I just want to ask the terrorists where their conscience is when they set their target on innocent civilians?! Those terrorists must be executed in accordance with the law. My heart is with you, Kunming."

Another Weibo user "1 ju shi hua" posted that the Kunming attack was shocking and outrageous. She posted: "The terrorists have broken so many families whose dear ones were killed. The incident has made people realize that every moment counts because tomorrow can not be ensured."

From overseas social media

Bill Bishop: Calling it terrorism doesn't mean you agree w the policies in Xinjiang. But pretending it was somehow a legitimate act of protest is absurd. Terror attack at Kunming train station is terrible.

Owain Morris: What the hell is wrong with these people?

Mike Clarke: What a terrible story.

Aaron Coon: Bad people always find ways to inflict violence

Hasanhh: Condolences for all.

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