Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Upholding press freedom

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-05-17 07:32

Press freedom within the law

Responding to accusations that China detained the largest number of journalists in the world, the ACJA acknowledged that there were journalists who had been punished in accordance with the law because of conduct that did not accord with their profession, and for breaches of the criminal law or jeopardizing public interest. "Their criminal activities have undergone the scrutiny of strict judicial process," the association said.

While enjoying ample freedom in news coverage, media institutions must conduct their work within laws and ethics, shoulder social responsibility, say no to fake news and blackmailing, and accept public oversight, it said.

"In any country ruled by law, everyone in the country, irrespective of their profession, should abide by the Constitution and laws," the ACJA said. "The case is the same in China," it said. "Being a reporter cannot be the reason for allowing a person to disobey the Constitution and law."

Online security important for national security

Responding to the claim that the mainland has hampered freedom on the Internet via reinforced online control in the name of ensuring Internet security, the ACJA said Chinese citizens enjoy ample freedom of expression online.

With an online population of more than 600 million, about 1.25 billion microblog accounts are registered in China and netizens release nearly 30 billion postings a day on the Internet, according to the association.

"Like many countries, China advocates a peaceful, safe, open and cooperative online space, and regards network security as an important part of its national security strategy," it said.

China makes network security a high priority and curbs illegal information which harms national security and public interest, it added. "This shows the national sovereignty in the Internet space and is the practice of many countries," the association said.

The ACJA called on various countries to make joint efforts to safeguard the security of the Internet and respect other country's concerns because of their varied situations and cultural traditions. "We firmly oppose taking online freedom as a pretext for interfering in other country's internal affairs," it said.

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