Opinion / From the Press

Sex education a delicate topic

(China Daily) Updated: 2013-01-17 09:01

A kindergarten in Zhengzhou, Henan province, organized a "group wedding ceremony" for about 100 children recently. During the event, the aptly dressed children took the "marital vow", slipped a ring on the fingers of their "partners" and their parents acted as witnesses. But only time will tell whether the event would qualify as part of sex education, says an article in Beijing Morning Post. Excerpts:

Some parents regard the group wedding as "a good lesson for growth" and the kindergarten principal claims it is "good for children's mental health".

The principal also said that the previous "group wedding ceremonies" had helped the participants become more responsible, confident and active, and friendlier with fellow peers.

Introducing sex education in class has always been a difficult topic. Parents will feel embarrassed if the subject is dealt with bluntly, and children will be confused if it is vague.

Efforts to find a clear but non-embarrassing way to provide sex education to children are still continuing.

Since any exploratory education improves gradually, it is important to sum up the successes and failures to avoid the pitfalls and strive to emulate the positive ones.

There is nothing wrong in providing sex education for children, but before accepting the principal's words as true, we should gather more facts to judge his claim.

Also, the government and parents have to find out whether the children have indeed undergone a positive change after the group wedding.

(China Daily 01/17/2013 page9)

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