Domestics Affairs

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And the two school systems should meet  2011-05-27 07:29:09

Using a model of hard work and combining the efforts of students with probing teachers who insist that students grapple with subjects have the potential to produce first-rate education.

Rapid urbanization affects public health  2011-05-26 07:59:26

Urbanization is associated with changes in diet and the physical exertion routine, increasing obesity in society and heightening the risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Preparing for effects of population trends  2011-05-26 07:59:26

The National Bureau of Statistics recently highlighted some significant results from China's Sixth National Population Census that point to some major changes in the country's population trends - changes that will affect the economy.

Tibet's path to democracy  2011-05-26 07:59:26

The peaceful liberation of Tibet 60 years ago marked a historic turning point as it ended the millenniums-long feudal autocracy and opened the door to a new epoch for the region.

Tibet moves ahead with the nation  2011-05-23 08:00:07

A more united, democratic, prosperous, civilized, socialist and harmonious Tibet is bound to move ahead with the nation's modernization drive.

Preparing for aging nation  2011-05-23 08:00:07

National census shows that it's time for China to adjust its social and economic policies to address changes in society.

Public increases tax pressure on govt  2011-05-20 08:01:47

In fact, it is not a difficult decision if the government has hammered home the knowledge that its fiscal revenues are meant to serve the people and improve their livelihoods and welfare, rather than to pursue a growth in the State coffers.

Spending time for growth  2011-05-20 08:01:47

Country needs concrete policies to encourage people's spending and balance urban and rural public services

Aging population a challenge  2011-05-19 07:56:46

Census data released late last month have sparked a public debate on whether demographic factors would hinder China's economic development.

Grassroots democracy  2011-05-19 07:56:46

Changes in voting for people's congress deputies at county and township levels will balance urban and rural representation.

Chengdu reconstruction is widely praised  2011-05-17 07:57:56

Three years ago, a devastating earthquake hit Sichuan province and laid Wenchuan county in ruins. However, during the past three years, Chengdu has made tremendous recovery efforts.

Tackling water issues with innovation  2011-05-17 07:57:56

At the start of the year, after having weathered some devastating floods and droughts, China focused its attention on water governance.

Debate: Individual income  2011-05-16 08:03:19

Should the individual income tax threshold be raised above the recommended income of 3,000 yuan a month? A journalist and two educators come up with three different suggestions.

Certainly iPad not the apple of my eye  2011-05-14 07:25:46

A huge number of people were prepared to queue all night just to be one of the first to touch the angelic curves of an iPad2. But what was all the fuss about?

China has the right govt size  2011-05-14 07:25:46

Looking forward, it would be hard for China to further reduce its government size, because its coming economic restructuring and higher social development priority will require greater, not less, government involvement and participation.

Innovations that can ensure food security  2011-05-13 07:58:03

Farmers in China should diversify the crops,and policymakers and provincial governments should focus on strengthening local markets.

Treating post-quake trauma  2011-05-12 07:59:54

But May 12 is also a time to celebrate the resilience of the people and the building of a new Wenchuan from rubble.

The school of quake reconstruction  2011-05-12 07:59:54

The memory of that day, as it should, will remain with us for a long time to come. But three years on we have cause to celebrate, to celebrate the rebirth of one school after another.

No immunity to disasters  2011-05-12 07:59:54

Wenchuan has taught us that overcoming catastrophe requires vision and leadership from all levels of society.

Reaching out to helping hands  2011-05-11 07:55:33

Momentum sparked by rescue, relief and reconstruction after Wenchuan earthquake needs more support to flourish

Warm love, cold calculation a paradox  2011-05-06 07:19:19

Fuss over navy unwarranted  2011-05-05 07:54:45

Debate: House rents  2011-05-03 07:58:38

Strategies of innovation  2011-05-03 07:58:38

The journey toward longer life  2011-04-28 07:56:59

Handle platform with kid gloves  2011-04-22 09:49:43

Boosting water reform in rural areas  2011-04-20 07:55:34

Law must be more than just words  2011-04-18 08:04:44

Debate: Education system  2011-04-18 08:04:44


Is there too much craze over iPad2?

Since iPad2 went on sale in China on May 6, hundreds of iPad fans and scalpers queued up overnight at almost every Apple store. The craze even led to a violent incident in Sanlitun, Beijing. Do you think iPad2 is worth the hassle?


'Ant tribe' growing: Survey

Beijing - Dressed in a crisp suit, Li Zhirui, sitting on the window seat of a Beijing bus, silently gazes at the European-style villas, luxury cars and illuminated shopping malls as they pass him by.