Opinion / Hot Words

民生对账单(mínshēng duìzhàng dān): People's livelihoods account

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-02-25 08:23

Ahead of the annual session of the National People's Congress, the nation's top legislature, Premier Li Keqiang has solicited public opinion on the Government Work Report. He said the report is the government's solemn commitment to the general public, and the social security work that the authorities have accomplished in 2014 can be regarded as an account statement of the government's promise to the public in the 2013 Government Work Report.

In 2014, the State Council, the cabinet, decided to use the newly increased basic public health service fee to subsidize countryside doctors. On May 1, China's first social security system regulation, the Social Assistance Interim Regulation, will come into force. This is a significant measure that deepens reform of China's social security system.

In 2014, reform of the pension system for civil servants and the employees of State institutions was implemented, which ended China's "double track" pension system that had been implemented for two decades.

In 2014, the State Council carried forward significant progress in the provision of public services for the elderly.

In addition, many other achievements have also been achieved to help protect the rights of disabled people and improve the development of children in poor regions.

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