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POWERCHINA offers help to collapsed dam in Laos

Updated: 2018-08-02

The under-construction dam of Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydroelectric power project in Laos collapsed at 8:00 pm local time on July 23, releasing five billion cubic meters of floodwater in hours, which resulted in a large amount of people dead, missing and homeless.

POWERCHINA offers help to collapsed dam in Laos

The Ministry of Energy and Mines of Laos sends invitation to POWERCHINA, asking for assistance on accident investigation and assessment. [Photo/POWERCHINA]

POWERCHINA sent a message of condolence to the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Laos immediately after getting the news. The Minister of Energy and Mines of Laos Khammany Inthilath expressed gratitude to POWERCHINA in his response letter, mentioning that the government was making all efforts to rescue the affected people and has started to investigate the dam collapse and evaluate the security of the power project. Khammany wished that POWERCHINA could send an expert team to assist the investigation and assessment.

Kunming Engineering Corporation Ltd and Chengdu Engineering Corporation Ltd, two subsidiaries of POWERCHINA, were arranged to join the safety investigations. The Kunming company set up an expert team for technical assistance, sending a group of technical personnel in Kunming and project sites closest to the affected region for the rescue work. The Chengdu corporation also organized professionals in earth-rock dam design, rock-soil engineering test, construction and business to help with the accident investigation on the scene.

After an external meeting in the morning on July 30, POWERCHINA's expert team met with those from the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Laos and World Bank on the same day, for the arrangement of accident investigation. During the meeting, officials of the Ministry of Energy and Mines briefed the accident and noted that they will set up a special investigation commission. The World Bank representatives provided suggestions on the investigation and post-assessment, while POWERCHINA's experts proposed the necessary materials collected for investigations and follow-up evaluation. POWERCHINA's professional report received high praise from the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Laos and World Bank.

On July 31, the three parties held the second meeting, discussing the materials that shall be collected and submissions of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, introducing the project construction and arranging the investigation work and logistic service. POWERCHINA will offer technical support and assistance to Laos government and continue to join the rescue work in the flood-hit area.

Being constructed by Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy Power Company (PNPC), a joint venture of South Korean, Thai and Lao companies, the Xe Pian-Xe Namnoy hydroelectric power project costs investment of $1.2 billion, with an installation capability of 410MW. Upon completion, it will have an annual electricity generation of 1,879 GWh, 90 percent to be supplied to Thailand and the rest to serve Laos locals.

POWERCHINA offers help to collapsed dam in Laos

Members of the expert team hold first meeting. [Photo/POWERCHINA]

POWERCHINA offers help to collapsed dam in Laos

POWERCHINA's experts arrive in the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy hydroelectric power project site for risk investigation. [Photo/POWERCHINA]

POWERCHINA offers help to collapsed dam in Laos

POWERCHINA's experts and officials of the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Laos inspect the accident scene. [Photo/POWERCHINA]

POWERCHINA offers help to collapsed dam in Laos

Experts and officials at the scene. [Photo/POWERCHINA]