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Ecuador president attends POWERCHINA's road opening ceremony

Updated: 2017-02-14

Ecuador's new No 4 and 6 highways built by Sinohydro Bureau 14 Co Ltd opened on Feb 8, marking the company's breakthrough in road construction in the Americas.

Rafael Correa Delgado, president of Ecuador, attended the opening ceremony and thanked POWERCHINA for its contributions to the country's infrastructure.

With construction beginning on Oct 30, 2014, the No 4 highway stretches 4.52 km and the No 6 is 10.79 km. The project was a trial of POWERCHINA's complete subcontracting pattern for engineering projects in the Americas.

As the contractor, Sinohydro Bureau 14 Co Ltd used local labor and mechanical equipment and with different sections being constructed at the same time. The measures decreased spending on equipment and personnel, lowered risks for project management and control, and increased working opportunities for locals.

The two roads are of great significance to guarantee local traffic safety, promote trade and tourism development, enhance people's living quality and advance Ecuador's steady progress.

Ecuador president attends POWERCHINA's road opening ceremony

Ecuador president attends POWERCHINA's road opening ceremony