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How to make friends with foreigners

Updated: 2014-05-14 07:58 (

Don't generalize

This is one of my biggest gripes. Whenever I am talking to a Chinese person and they state "All you Westerners drink milk, right?" or "You are all very rich" or any other generalizing, sweeping statement, I get annoyed very quickly. Chinese people are proud of their country, as they should be, but don't forget that so are we and we don't like to be lumped together as one country called "The West." We have many different and proud cultures and countries, and we don't like to be generalized into one condescending mass of Westerness. It's frustrating to say the least and it puts me off talking to the person.

How to make friends with foreigners

How to make friends with foreigners How to make friends with foreigners How to make friends with foreigners
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