China / Politics

China urges Japan's efforts on improvement of ties

(Xinhua) Updated: 2014-04-04 19:37

BEIJING - Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei on Friday again urged Japan to make serious efforts for the improvement of bilateral relations.

Hong made the remarks in response to some Japanese media reports at a regular press briefing.

Some Japanese media reports said China has set preconditions for summit talks between the two countries, which requires a public commitment by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on not visiting the Yasukuni Shrine during his tenure.

Other media reports said China has turned its pressure against Japan from territorial disputes to historical issues.

Hong reiterated that China's stance on its relations with Japan was consistent and clear.

The tough situation of bilateral relations was caused by repeated provocation by the Japanese side on issues regarding history and the Diaoyu Islands, he said.

"We urge the Japanese side to honestly face up to and reflect on its history of militarist aggression and stop infringing upon China's territorial sovereignty," he said, calling on Japan to correct its mistakes by concrete actions.

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