China / Society

No judgment for railway official accused of corruption

By CAO YIN ( Updated: 2014-01-07 20:09

A Beijing court tried a high-profile case involving a former railway official on Tuesday, but the authority did not announce a judgment, according to China News Service.

Su Shunhu, former deputy chief of the transport bureau under the then-ministry of railways (now China Railway Corp) stood trial at Beijing No 2 Intermediate People’s Court, and prosecutors provided two new pieces of evidence, the report said.

Su is suspected of using corrupted money for his children to study abroad, the prosecutors told the service.

Su, who was born in 1954, worked for more than 20 years in the railway industry. He was charged with taking bribes of more than 24 million yuan ($3.9 million).

The case was first heard in September, and Su pleaded guilty.

Before Su’s trial, former railway minister, Liu Zhijun, was sentenced to death with reprieve in July for accepting bribes.

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