Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Partners jointly respond to challenges

By Wang Yi and Laurent Fabius (China Daily) Updated: 2014-01-28 07:34

Fifty years ago on Jan 27, chairman Mao Zedong and president Charles de Gaulle made a historic decision to establish diplomatic relations between China and France, thus opening the door to friendship and cooperation between the two big countries with major influence. This visionary and momentous decision brought a warm breeze to the international relations in the Cold War era and had a far-reaching impact on the evolution of the international landscape.

Over the past five decades, amidst great vicissitudes in the world, both China and France have experienced profound changes. Nevertheless, the two sides have always regarded each other as long-term partners of strategic cooperation, steadfastly advanced mutually beneficial cooperation across the board, and stayed committed to enhancing the friendship between the two peoples.

Together, we have pushed the world toward greater balance - the North-South gap is narrowing; consensus is growing on promoting democracy in international relations; and diversity has become a deeply entrenched idea.

Over the past five decades, political trust between China and France has been steadily deepened. The strategic importance and complementary nature of China-France relationship has made it a unique model for major-country relations. The two countries took the lead in establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership, giving a strong boost to the growth of China-Europe relations. We have conducted candid political dialogue and reached important consensus on a broad range of global topics, including the most thorny issues. Our business ties are getting closer and more diversified. We enjoy long-standing and exemplary cooperation in nuclear energy and aviation. We have identified new areas of cooperation like health, agri-food processing, sustainable development, urbanization, digitalization, services and tourism. And we are taking vigorous steps to increase mutual investment.

People-to-people exchanges have made big strides. In 2013, France received 1.5 million Chinese tourists and 38,000 Chinese students, while 500,000 French tourists and 7,000 French students came to China. The people of our two countries are drawn to each other, showing mutual respect and understanding. We have carried out such activities as "Culture Year" in each other's countries with great creativity.

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations and look ahead to the future, we need to build on past achievements and further enhance our relations of mutually beneficial cooperation for the good of the two peoples and peace and prosperity in the world.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, globalization has gathered pace, and mankind has gone through unprecedented changes and faced both development opportunities and complex, grave challenges. Modern society is under the impact of global issues of various kinds, from terrorism to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, from food security to climate change, and from cyber security to transnational organized crimes. As permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations and major economies in the world, China and France, two big countries with global influence, have the responsibility to work together to promote peace, stability and development in the world.

The development of information technologies has facilitated exchanges between peoples and cultures. As countries with major cultural influence, China and France have the responsibility to make tireless efforts to maintain the world's cultural and linguistic diversity. We will continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in education, science, technology, sport and other fields and between universities to deepen mutual understanding.

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of China-France diplomatic relations, we will carry out a series of joyful and popular commemorative events to express the good wishes of the two sides. We will also take this opportunity to pay tribute to those who laid the foundation of China-France relations and people from all sectors who have been committed over the years to deepening China-France friendship.

We are convinced that people from all sectors of the two countries, especially the young generation who represents the future of our relations, will carry forward the fine tradition of China-France relations and jointly respond to the challenges of the 21st century.

Wang Yi is Chinese foreign minister and Laurent Fabius is French foreign minister.

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