Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Time for a new credit rating lifeline

By Ahmed Sule (China Daily European Weekly) Updated: 2011-08-19 10:55

Time for a new credit rating lifeline

Credit rating agencies play a significant role in the financial world. They help clear up confusion in the capital market by providing investors and lenders with information so they can make informed decisions about the credit worthiness of debt obligations and financial products.

But they can also be destructive, as evidenced by their role in failing to do anything to stop the financial crisis that exploded in 2008. With the United States experiencing yet another financial crisis and the European Union debt crisis depressing the global economy, there have been calls for greater regulation of credit rating agencies in order to reduce the influence of these agencies.

With the rise of the BRICS (the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and other emerging economies and their exposure to government debt in a number of advanced economies, these emerging creditor nations need access to reliable, transparent and independent credit analyses. A new, reliable, independent and influential rating agency is needed. In short, it is time to set up a BRICS credit rating agency.

First, however, let's talk about what these credit rating agencies do. In short, they help lower the cost of seeking information and improve transparency. They usually assign ratings to states, countries, government agencies and corporations in both domestic and foreign markets. Governments and institutional investors often review reports generated by agencies to gain assurance on the debt issuers' ability to meet its capital and interest obligation on its debt.

There are about 72 agencies worldwide, out of which 10 are viewed as Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSRO) by the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

The NRSRO status allows these agencies to issue credit ratings in the US. The global credit rating agency sector is dominated by three players: Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investor Service and Fitch Ratings.

The Big Three have come under intense scrutiny in recent years due to their role in the subprime mortgage crisis and the ongoing sovereign debt crises plaguing the EU and the US.

In the build-up to the subprime mortgage crisis, the three agencies failed to outline the risks in subprime mortgage debt products and gave these mortgage-backed securities very high ratings. Global investors, relying on the ratings, invested in these dubious financial products and created a housing bubble. Eventually, when the subprime borrowers began to default on their obligations (and when it was already too late for homeowners and investors and a financial crisis was inevitable) the agencies downgraded the financial products. These downgrades pushed the crash forward in the capital market. In the aftermath of the crisis, these agencies were roundly criticized for their incompetence and their inability to issue accurate ratings.

In the aftermath of the backlash resulting from their role in the subprime crisis, the Big Three became more proactive in ratings of sovereign debt. Previously, the Big Three were silent on the deteriorating fiscal conditions of the more developed markets in the US and Europe. While the Big Three were proactive in downgrading the ratings of fiscally challenged emerging market sovereign debt, they continued to retain the investment grade ratings for large economies such as Europe and the US. Things began to change in December 2009 when Fitch cut Greece's rating from A- to BBB+ with a negative outlook. Within the month, S&P and Moody's also cut Greece's credit rating. In January of this year, Fitch joined S&P and Moody's in downgrading Greece's bonds to junk status.

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