CHINA DAILY - Thursday August 28,2008
Central government departments and their subordinate units misused or embezzled about 4.52 billion yuan ($661.09 million) last year, for which 14 officials have been detained, the country's top auditor said yesterday.
Thai standoff: PM orders protestors' eviction
Anti-government protestors wave Thai national flags on the Government House compound in Bangkok yesterday. They camped there throughout Tuesday night to press for the resignation of the prime minister, who ordered security forces to evict them by midnight last night.  AFP
China Scene
Beware sheltering from thunderstorms under trees
Ever since his extramarital affair was exposed, Beijinger Wang Fei's life has been a living hell.
In the limelight of the entire world, the curtain of the 29th Summer Olympics fell in Beijing on Sunday evening. Every Chinese would be proud seeing the motherland's great success in hosting such a large sports gathering.
The Beijing Olympics came and went spectacularly, as most of us China watchers had expected, and most Chinese are understandably proud of their country and pleased with how it came through during the Games.
Brad Pitt and George Clooney star in a madcap comedy by the Coen brothers in which two Washington gym employees get caught up in the cloak-and-dagger world of international espionage, with results both daft and deadly.
The impact of China's economic reforms in the last three decades has been as awe-inspiring, if not more, than the country's growth rate during the period, according to a leading international economist.
Special Supplement
To encourage more African commodities to enter the Chinese market and promote the healthy development of Sino-African trade and business ties, the 2nd African Commodities Exhibition will be held at Xiamen International Conference & Exhibition Center from September 8 to 11.
Perhaps no other city in China is as blessed as Shanghai. The most vibrant and cosmopolitan city on the Chinese mainland, it is the indisputable leader in both economic development and cultural innovation.