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Philips air purifier comes to the aid of the APEC Summit

( Updated: 2014-11-21 16:25

Philips air purifier comes to the aid of the APEC Summit

Philips provided strong support for the APEC Summit with it state-of-the-art air purifiers.[Provided to]

The 22nd Annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders' Meeting convened in Beijing from Nov 5 to 11. Philips provided strong support for the summit with it state-of-the-art air purifiers. The effectiveness and innovative technology in the purifiers made them the clear choice to ensure safe and clean air inside the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse for the high-profile delegates staying there.

Philips air purifier comes to the aid of the APEC Summit
Philips AC4374 air purifier. [Provided to]
The actions taken by Beijing in response to the region's smog and air pollution problems were a hot topic of conversation throughout the APEC summit. In addition to halting factory production in the surrounding region and other measures taken to rein in pollution, Beijing also made extensive use of indoor air purifiers, which were quickly recognized through media photos on Weibo to be made by Philips. The exact model of air purifier model used at APEC became a hot search term on both Weibo and Taobao overnight, and major media outlets weighed in with reports on Weibo and WeChat. Waves of posts soon flooded Weibo with a catchy new hashtag: "Enjoy the most APEC air." Philips' product spokesperson for the air purifier category, Li Chen, also posted with the hash tag, writing: "There's a new kind of air called APEC air! Even though most of us can't afford the lifestyles of APEC delegates in terms of hotel accommodations, luxury cars or fancy meals, at least we can breathe APEC air." In the spirit of the APEC summit, everyone should be able to enjoy APEC air, as nothing is more important than the air we breathe.

Philips, the world's leader in the air purifier category, has dedicated years of tireless research and product development to creating innovative technology for the Chinese market and bringing the world's leading air purifiers to Chinese consumers. Powered by VitaShield technology, the Philips air purifier effectively filters out airborne particles as small as 20-nanometers in size (including micro-particles, allergens, bacteria and viruses). It has a removal efficiency of 99 percent, filtering out a wide range of contaminants, such as PM 2.5, formaldehyde, toluene, harmful particles, bacteria, viruses, TVOCs (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) and other harmful gasses. Optimizing the real effect of technology in helping people to lead healthier lives, Philips has integrated the latest smart technology into the purifier, going beyond automated monitoring and air quality control to offer compatibility with mobile applications. Not only does this provide consumers with the most up-to-the-minute air quality data, it also connects the purifier to the phone through cloud services, breaking though the limits of time and space to ensure safe and clean air to breathe - a perfect embodiment of Philips' commitment to improving quality of life with innovative technology.

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