Opinion / Wang Hui

Two wings to lift Sino-Australian ties

By Wang Hui (China Daily) Updated: 2014-09-11 07:52

Over the years, China has thrived to become Australia's largest trading partner, its largest source of overseas students and biggest source of tourism revenues. There are no other two countries in the world that enjoy such interdependence and complementary ties.

Outlining the country's foreign policy in August, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop declared that the coalition government led by Abbott is now dedicated to promoting "economic diplomacy" as a core concept of Australia's international engagement. Such a business-oriented foreign policy could help Australia's efforts at poverty elimination and overcome geo-political challenges, Bishop explained.

Hence, both countries should seize the opportunity and continue to build on the good momentum in bilateral trade and explore new areas of reciprocal cooperation. To this end, deepening mutual respect and mutual trust serves as a foundation for bilateral ties to sail on a healthy course. And as well as regarding each other as trustworthy business partners, the two should cooperate to safeguard regional peace and security.

It is, therefore, good to learn that China and Australia, along with the US, are preparing for their first trilateral military exercise in Australia in October. The exercise, code named "Kowari", was formally announced by China and Australia when Fan Changlong, vice-chairman of China's Central Military Commission, visited Australia in July.

Exchanges and contacts between the two militaries will help dispel mutual suspicion and avoid misinterpretation of each other's strategic position. Just as Wang Yi vividly put it in Sydney, reciprocity and mutual trust serve as the two wings of China-Australian ties. Only when both wings move forward can the relationship fly to an even higher level.

The economic wing of China-Australia interaction has remained healthy and strong in recent years. It is time for both sides to strengthen their wing of strategic mutual trust.

The author is a senior writer with China Daily.

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