Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

Intercontinental interaction

By Fang Lexian (China Daily) Updated: 2012-11-06 08:17

Development of ASEM shows that exchanges lead to progress and mutual benefit sustains cooperation

The biennial summit of the Asia-Europe Meeting is under way in Vientiane, Laos, with Asian and European government leaders discussing a host of global and regional issues under the theme "Friends for Peace, Partners for Prosperity".

A successful intercontinental dialogue and cooperation platform, the biennial meeting focuses on informal and interactive discussions to promote flexible and pragmatic cooperation and coordination among members and between the two continents. It stresses mutual respect, tolerance and equal partnership, and is characterized by a progressive and informal working process that is the fundamental reason for the meeting's vitality and attractiveness. As a forum promoting open and informal dialogue, ASEM is an opportunity to work toward negotiated solutions, especially in areas of disagreement.

Since it was officially established in Bangkok, Thailand, in 1996, ASEM has attracted more and more members, and with the formal participation of Bangladesh, Switzerland and Norway at the meeting in Vientiane, the number of ASEM members will have grown from the original 26 to 51. ASEM members account for almost 60 percent of the global population, their combined gross domestic product exceeds 50 percent of the world's total, and their trade volume more than 60 percent. The agenda and initiatives of ASEM in recent years have reflected the strong political commitment of the members of the two continents to actively promote the development of a stable, balanced and fair international system.

At the seventh ASEM summit in Beijing in 2008, addressing the international economic and financial crisis was top of the agenda, reflecting the mainstream voice of the international community and the determination of all ASEM members to help each other and seek common development. The eighth ASEM summit held in Brussels in October 2010 made new contributions to this consensus and increased the effectiveness of regional dialogue and cooperation. In view of the lingering risks to the global economy, the ninth summit will continue to address the global and regional economic and financial challenges.

And Asian and European government leaders will also discuss other issues of common concern, such as climate change, counterterrorism, the fight against piracy and organized crime, prevention of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, management of water resources, and energy and food security.

With the advancement of the ASEM process, political dialogue between Asia and Europe is deepening and economic cooperation and social and cultural exchanges are increasing. This will not only enhance mutual understanding between Asian and European countries, which have significant differences in social systems and historical and cultural traditions, but also help to improve Asia's regional sense of identity, thus promoting the development of regionalism and trans-regionalism.

China steadfastly promotes political dialogue, economic cooperation and social and cultural exchanges between Asia and Europe.

China has proved that it values and respects the ASEM mechanism, and the theme of the Vientiane summit, "Friends for Peace, Partners for Prosperity", reflects its fundamental aspirations for it. Three Chinese premiers have attended ASEM summits, where they have put forward a number of constructive initiatives on deepening the dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe.

China has always been an active advocate of cooperation between Asia and Europe, and it actively promotes the deepening of intercontinental cooperation and coordination. Since its participation in ASEM, China has consistently adhered to dialogue and cooperation aimed at win-win solutions, and is committed to enhancing the effectiveness, practicability and openness of ASEM.

With the increasing number of members and the complicated and volatile global political and economic situation, all participants at the ninth ASEM summit should implement the principles and consensus that have been reached and seek to inject new vitality into the discussions.

As Premier Wen Jiabao said when addressing the seventh summit, ASEM's development shows that exchanges lead to progress, mutual benefit sustains cooperation and win-win progress ensures a bright future. China is committed to boosting cooperation and exchanges to a new level with all members in order to promote global prosperity and stability.

The author is a researcher with the Center for European Studies, Renmin University of China.

(China Daily 11/06/2012 page8)

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