Europe 'competes' for second place with videos mocking Trump
Since Zondag met Lubach, a Dutch comedy show, made an absurd video saying they want to be put second after President Trump vowed to put "America first," comedians throughout Europe joined to make videos to "compete" for second place.
The Dutch comedians in their video, imitating President Trump's voice and speaking style, present a very simple and clear idea to Trump that they want him to put the Netherlands second.
"We totally understand it's going to be America first, but can we just say, 'The Netherlands second?'" the video asks.

The video elaborated on many reasons why President Donald Trump should chew over the idea. However every point contains a joke pertaining to the new American president.
The video introduces the Netherland as having the best pony park and ponies in the world. It says to President Trump that "you can ride them, you can date them, you can grab them by the pony, it's fantastic," a line mocking Trump's inappropriate words about women caught on the video.
It also says the Netherland has the Afsluitdijk, a major causeway. "It's a great, great wall that we built to protect us from all the water from Mexico", a joke mocking Trump's decision to build a wall along America's Mexican boarder.
The Dutch clip went viral and its Trump-imitating format was adopted by comedy shows of other European counties that also take to the stage to make fun of President Trump. So, many spoof videos appeared overnight in Europe that were addressed to President Trump. Switzerland, Portugal, Lithuania, Denmark and Germany were among the first.
"The videos use rhetoric inspired by the president's speeches and mockingly talk about national pride, praising their country and talking about non-serious matters", BBC comments.
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