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Say 'hi' to the ghost: 10 creepiest attractions around the world

Updated: 2014-08-08 08:56 (chinadaily.com.cn)

Karosta Prison, Latvia

Say 'hi' to the ghost: 10 creepiest attractions around the world

Karosta Prison is now a museum, attraction, and hotel. [Photo/IC]


Situated in the Latvian city of Liepaja, Karosta Prison, now a hotel and museum, was formerly a military prison. A stay at this hotel is truly back to the basics - you get no preferential treatment. Visitors are asked to put on chains and shackles after they check in. Bumps in the night are a common occurrence and there have even been sightings from beyond the grave. An insight into life as an inmate can be gleaned from the graffiti on the walls - truly horrifying.



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