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Magic calls new lakers coach's strategy into question

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-12-13 08:03

Magic Johnson questioned new coach Mike D'Antoni's system with the slumping Los Angeles Lakers, saying "it doesn't fit the talent the Lakers have".

The Lakers (9-12) fell to 4-8 in the 12 games since D'Antoni took over from the fired Mike Brown with a 100-94 loss to the Cavaliers on Tuesday night in Cleveland.

"I'm not down on him yet as a coach," Johnson said earlier in the day at a Dodger Stadium appearance, although he criticized D'Antoni's plan to turn the Lakers into a running team.

"You can't run with these guys," he said. "There's one guy who can get up and down the court and that's Kobe (Bryant). You've got to take that ball inside. That's how you win games."

Johnson said the Lakers have two of the best 7-footers in the NBA in Pau Gasol and Dwight Howard, and the offense should revolve around Gasol, who missed his fifth straight game on Tuesday night with tendinitis in his knees. Point guard Steve Nash has missed 20 games with a broken left leg he sustained on Oct 31.

Johnson called Gasol "the best passing big man in the NBA".

"His game is catch it on the low block and face his man," the former Lakers star said. "The first question should've been, 'Where do you like it because that's where I'm going to give it to you'."

When it comes to the Lakers' dismal defense, Johnson agrees with D'Antoni and Bryant.

"We can score points, but the defense is breaking down," he said. "We have to correct our defense. Every night, guys have to come with passion and urgency."

Johnson said he thinks that once Gasol starts playing well, the Lakers will follow suit ... with Nash's help.

Associated Press

(China Daily 12/13/2012 page24)

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