Opinion / China Dream in expats' eyes

Shenzhen: Not what it used to be

By Eric England ( Updated: 2014-03-05 15:21

China has changed so fast that it is hard to know where to start. I came to China in 1994 and have been here ever since, so I have seen the change. Take one city, Shenzhen, when I first saw this city it was filled with beggars and lots of low buildings, many of these buildings had tin shacks on top of them.

There were no birds and little wildlife, it was like entering a different planet, but 20 years on, and Shenzhen is an ultra modern city with huge high rise buildings and a stock exchange, also a very large shipping industry, and of course, a large offshore oil and gas industry.

The city is very green and thus the wildlife has returned, finally I can hear the birds sing, and this brings hope for a better China in the future.

As China moves from being the "workshop" of the world to a more acceptable service industry orientation, the fog will subside and people's lives will be enriched. The present leader is taking the country in the best possible direction, and this is admirable.



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