2014巴西世界杯 > 球评滚不停

巴拉克猛烈抨击厄齐尔 :不如从前

The former Germany captain says that the playmaker is "not the same player" he was at Real Madrid and is worried about his performances heading into the World Cup


"In Brazil there will be some interesting young players who could bring something special to the tournament."


"I think for Spain every competition is getting tougher and tougher because the opposition teams know how to play against them better".


“You’ve really got to block that out of your mind and concentrate on doing well for your team-mates and your country,” he added.


“我不想再次在半决赛出局,我们可不是去巴西晒日光浴的,” 已为德国队效力十年的拉姆说。
"I do not want to go out in the semifinals again or visit Brazil just to soak up the sun," said Lahm after a decade in the Germany team.


"I don't blame them. Our preparations have not been the best and people are right to complain about spiralling costs and delayed works."


"Does the world take the US more seriously? I think yes, definitely” says the former American international who reckons the basis of the Italia 90 squad made it difficult for the United States to gain respect."


The majority of the best players in the world congregate for a month or so, duelling for the right to be crowned World champions. For football supporters, it’s the equivalent of Christmas.

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阿根廷加时赛1:0淘汰瑞士队。赛后,阿根廷队主教练萨维利亚表示,他不敢幻想与劲敌巴西对阵世界杯决赛。 >详细>>

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