Weekend Life
Weekend Life / Goings On

Best bets

[2017-08-12 09:09]

National Theatre of China Drama Dorogaya Yelena Sergeevna

Declarer suffers from a strip

[2017-08-12 09:09]

Bil Keane, who started the "Family Circus" cartoon, said, "I think it's a novelty for cartoon characters to cross over into another strip or panel occasionally."

With a decision, analyze alternatives

[2017-08-05 07:46]

Henry Kissinger said, "The absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously."


[2017-08-05 07:46]


Best bets

[2017-08-05 07:46]

NCPA Opera Film L'Elisir D'Amore

Do not rush; take your time

[2017-07-29 07:15]

Tony Benn, who was a cabinet minister in the British Labour government in the 1960s and 70s, said, "It's the same each time with progress.

Best bets

[2017-07-29 07:15]

Lanzhou Dance Troupe Dunhuang Dream


[2017-07-29 07:15]


Staging a comeback

[2017-07-29 07:14]

When Song Yan was offered the opportunity to become the president of Beijing Fenglei Peking Opera Company in 2001, he was about to leave the company.

Best bets

[2017-07-15 07:12]

Marta Menezes is one of the most promising Portuguese pianists of her generation.

The loser count is one too high

[2017-07-15 07:12]

Phyllis Diller said, "Aim high, and you won't shoot your foot off."


[2017-07-08 07:34]

To chase after Portia, a wealthy successor who resides in Belmont, Bassanio intends to borrow money from his friend Antonio.

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