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Three major industries of Karamay

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Financial industry

Three major industries of Karamay


Powerful financial institutions like the Bank of Kunlun and CNPC Captive Insurance are among some of the high profile companies to have entered Karamay.

The Central Asia Commodity Exchange opened in Karamay, while the first cloud computing trading platform in Asia recently went live. Jinlong Guomin Country Bank was established to support the development of micro, small and medium-sized businesses and agricultural development. Xinsheng Petty Loan Co. Ltd and Guangsheng Petty Loan Co. Ltd are the only two financial enterprises in Xinjiang listed on the national stock transfer system. At present, there are 47 equity investment enterprises in Karamay.

Information Industry

Three major industries of Karamay


After more than 20 years of spearheading science and technology research, Karamay Oilfield has digitalized its infrastructure and is becoming a leading player in intelligent oilfields.

Three networks have been integrated in Karamay, making it the first city in Xinjiang to do so. A municipal wireless network has been built, the first one in Northwestern China, while the city cluster around Karamay is now enjoying the advanced benefits of the city's designation as a smart city.

Sixty data and information centers have been established in the Karamay Cloud Computing Industry Park, including TIANDITU's Data Center, Huawei's Global Cloud Service Data Center, the National "One Belt and One Road" Big Data Center, Xinjiang Mobile's Data Center, CNPC's Data Center and IZP's E-commerce Platform. The Karamay International Academic Forum on IT-based Innovation has been upgraded to national level.

The city of Karamay will put emphasis on the construction of a global cloud computing base, national big-data application base, Central-Asian service outsourcing base and national cloud computing application demonstration base.

Tourism Industry


Three major industries of Karamay

Among Karamay's beautiful scenery and breathtaking landscapes is World Devil's Town, known as the most magnificent Yardang landform in China and one of the top 50 places in China for foreign tourists. Also topping the list of places to visit in the city are the black-oil hill, a world geologic wonder; the first oil well of the New China; and the Karamay River, a national 4A scenic area built in the desert. Tourists can get a great view of the stunning scenery of the Gobi desert and the spectacular wonders of the petroleum industry, and feel the glamour of a modern and charming city.

In recent years, Karamay has successfully held a number of grand gatherings, such as the "Xinjiang International Tourist Festival" and "Silk Road International Tourist Commodity Expo."It has actively cultivated its gold-silk jade and purple stoneware brands, and established the "Xinjiang Self-driving Travel Association." City authorities have been actively building Karamay into a regional tourist distribution center, helping it to win honorary titles as “National Outstanding Tourism City" and "National Industrial Tourism Demonstration Spot". It has been designated as a pioneering area in national tourism reform and innovation.