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Recommended places for festive 2016 Lantern Festival in Xiamen

( whatsonxiamen.com )

Updated: 2016-02-22

Customs of Lantern Festival

Recommended places for festive 2016 Lantern Festival in Xiamen

Reunion dinner is held on this day, with lanterns and yuan xiao (元宵) being a large part of the celebrations. Watching lanterns and eating Yuanxiao, which is made of glutinous rice and filled with delicious stuffing, are two main activities for this festive occasion. Besides, people will try to guess riddles attached to the lanterns and watch dragon dance.

Recommended places for festive 2016 Lantern Festival in Xiamen

To celebrate the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival, and in order to keep the public entertained over the special period, the Xiamen Government has in particular launched spectacular displays of lanterns which are the symbol of the festival.

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